Sunday 10 July 2011

Strawberry Fields Forever...Strawberries

Tis the season of fresh, fragrant fruits. This saturday I went down to my local farmers market and asked my burly strawberry farmer for all his Jam Berries.

Jam Berries are the older, bruised, unwanted berries of the bunch. This is usually because of their poor complexion. Poor complexion may be so but these berries are gauranteed to have the most flavor and juice of them all. Not to mention they sell for barely nothing, and I cleaned him right out.

You will see, jam berries open a world of opportunities.

After driving them home I....

Sat on a chair and listened to Edith Piaf while hauling (taking the tops off) strawberries for hours.
*If you haven't listened to Edith Piaf while doing a mindless task please do so. She will whisk you away to a different world*
It was a tad bit tedious but worth it in the end!
Then came the fun!I decided to make Jam, Fresh Strawberry Scones, Freezer Berries to sweeten up winter days to come and Strawberry Mint Watermelon skewers.
 Vanilla and Fresh Lavender (Named: Lavender Love)  and Vanilla Strawberry (Vanilla Bean Dream)

 Strawberry Scones
1cup Flour
4tsp Baking Powder
1tsp Salt
1tbsp Sugar
Zest 1 Lemon zest (optional)
1tsp Lemon Juice or 1tsp Cream of Tartar
1/2cup shortening
1 Egg
3/4 Milk
1cup fresh strawberries cut in half
Mix Flour, BP, Salt, Sugar, lemon zest and lemon juice. Break shortening into flour mixture until it is fully worked and has taken on a dry crumbly consistency. In a separate Bowl whisk egg and milk together. Add strawberries to flour mixture and then the wet ingredients (whisked milk/egg) Combine ingredients. Do not over work the batter. It should be lumpy, wet and awkward looking. This will help create a lighter biscuit. Spoon the batter onto greased or non-stick baking sheet. Bake at 500F for 10-12 min. 
*If you brush the top of the scone with egg and then sprinkle with sugar before baking you will get a nice crusty outside that browns beautifully as it bakes*

During the day I left some strawberries out in the sun for a half hour or so to to get them ready for freezing. When freezing any sort of berry make sure to dry them out first. This and squeezing all the air out of the freezer bag will help stop ice crystals from forming. 

Lastly to my weekend of berried bliss came a refreshing dessert.
 These are refreshing simple and light. Just Strawberries, Mint, and Watermelon. Another option is making these ahead, freezing and then using them as a stir stick in lemonade, sangria, or any other thirst quencher. They are bound to give off a nice subtle hint of summer and will keep your drink chilled. 

Eat, drink and enjoy!

A special thanks to my strawberry ladies, Gertrude, Hazel and Beatrice!!

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