Monday, 29 August 2011

Join hands...start a love train...

Everyday when I wake up and am in my kitchen I turn on a tune, get into the groove and start cooking. This is how I set the tone for my days spent creating food.  A good song can have me cooking, dancing, and enjoying all the heat and stress that a busy kitchen can bring.   I had no idea how much music truly played into my cooking until the last two weeks where I was chefing at the Nova Scotia Choral Federation, Junior, youth and adult camp. Here I met AMAZING people, with beautiful voices, kind open hearts, and was introduced to a whole new world.

It's hard to fully explain what these two weeks consisted of. I have cooked for 200 people for weddings, hors d'oeuvres parties, special events but never a choir camp of kids, youth, and adults. I was also given the new opportunity to be surrounded by talented people joined for one reason, music. This was something special. To share and to invite you into a small bit of the world that I lived in for the last two weeks here are some pictures.

Before Sunrise:

5 am... headed to the kitchen to start breakfast. Beautiful to wake up to this view every morning.

The Kitchen and dining room in all it's glory. In a kitchen of this caliber and size I learned it's very important to be ready to run run run.. And to continuously hand out to popsicles to anyone looking dazed, confused or tired.

I must recognize my daring, hardworking and fun-loving kitchen help (7 Dwarfs, Simba and Marie) who kept me sane, smiling, and dancing. They peeled and chopped all the onions, carrots and potatoes in the world. (I fed them many popsicles, and taught them the lovely calming effect of a walk in fridge)
Our menu consisted of Homemade Pizza (adventure and a half), Curried Chicken Pot Pie, Fresh made Soups, Cinnamon Buns, Fresh Corn Biscuits, Macaronie and Cheese (with pureed cauliflower so our lovley young campers had no idea they were eating veggies) That recipe is great and I promise to post it soon) Homemade canneloni and mannicotti che bella!) and much more tasty breakfast, lunch and dinners.

These two weeks were incredibly special. I learnt a great deal about myself as a chef, cook, trainee, and dishwasher. This song will now bring a smile to my face, and memories of laughter, sweat, everylasting popsicles and cooking for 200+people to mind.

Eat, drink, and enjoy!!

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