Tuesday 3 April 2012

Is you is or is you ain't my baby?...... Insalata di Melone

Wow April already. The sun is shining later in the sky and I do believe that come mid morning we can now feel a hint of heat from the rays.

How lovely! Everyday I can feel myself moving more towards light fresh flavours in the kitchen and away from warm stew and biscuit baked meals. Spring menu writing has begun and I am excited about fiddle heads, tomatoes, fresh herbs, and lighter fairing desserts.

This weekend was the third month for the Authentic Italian Dinners at Pavia Gallery.  This where I truly get to have fun with Italian flavours and create a 7 course tasting menu for wonderful food loving people. I really enjoy these two dinners and even though the menu's still had a hint of winters warmth I played with some lighter plates as well. One plate in particular seemed to truly please peoples senses and bring on the idea of Spring. Darling readers this recipe I will share with you tonight in hopes that it will bring rays of sunshine into your brunch, lunch, and dinner tables. As always remember that these recipes are a simple idea for you to then take and make into your own! Have fun try new things =) 
Insalata Di Melone (Melon Salad)

Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Honey Dew
Red Onion
Apricot White Vinegar - Liquid Gold
Olive Oil - Liquid Gold

First things first. Peel your watermelon and then slice into thin half moons around 1/4 inch thick. Slice your red onions and mix with 2 tablespoons of the apricot vinegar. Then pour over watermelon letting the red onions, vinegar, and melon sit for at least half an hour. 

Peel your chilled cantaloupe, and honey dew and either slice into larger chunks or use a melon baller to get your own desired shape and size then place in a bowl. Drizzle with 2 tsp olive oil 5 sliced kumquats, either torn or finely chopped basil, watercress and arugula. Lightly toss the salad. To plate first place your beautifully flavoured watermelon on the plate and then pile your wonderfully fresh light melon salad on top. 

Pair with sparkling wine, a nice vinho verde, a smile from ear to ear and someone you love.

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